How to Resolve Conflicts and Restore Relationships

Listen twice as much as you speak. Your ears are always open but you can close your mouth. If you can’t listen, you can never resolve any conflict. Always listen to understand, not to reply.

Remember you and your partner are on the same side. Don’t try to prove your partner wrong. Identify the issue. Distinguish between issues that can be overlooked and those that must be addressed.

Remember time doesn’t solve any problem. Focus on only one issue at a time – the present issue, not past issues. Historical issues end up hysterical.

Never raise your voice. Never call each other names. Never get physical. Self control is a choice of mature people. Agree on the way forward. Extend grace to your partner. S/he is just human.

But if for whatever reason you cannot resolve the issue amicably, then seek mediation from a neutral third party – preferably a professional who doesn’t know either of you personally.

But hear the conclusion of the whole matter, any marriage that doesn’t involve the origination (GOD) cannot stand the test of time.

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