Scripture Reading: Proverbs 22:6, Deuteronomy 6:4-9

Glory to God in the highest, the givers of life to mankind. Am glad to begin another series of teaching base on parenting, children and God. This series will enlighten many on how well to train God’s gift(Children) in fulfilling destiny, impacting generations and pleasing to God. The family home is the most crucial and important learning environment for our children.

It is here, in their early formative years, where the child will be most influenced – for better or for worse. They will learn (or not) to bond with those around them.  Children learn language, positive and negative behaviour and how to interact with others in the home. Modern research confirms that the first five years of a child’s life is the most crucial and vital time to instill good attitudes and create healthy habits, especially regarding their spiritual growth and understanding.

The place of parents in the life of children cannot be overemphasize. The child grew up under the watch of a parents, which means, whatever the child will becomes start with the parents. Can God trust us as parents, can He brings up a prophet in your hands like Samuel, can God trust you in raising a leader like Moses that will save this perverse generation, what kind of seed can you produce for God? The Lord was so proud of Abraham by saying “……I know that Abraham will teach his children in my ways..”(Genesis 18:19) Paraphrase.

To further explore what it means to leave a Godly heritage let’s now consider the instructions given to Moses before the Israelites went into the Promised Land.  Consider how these instructions relate to us today.

My conviction is that these Scriptures set out God’s plan for families and show how to impart their faith to their children. The home is the place where children should be introduced to the Lord of Creation and the Saviour of the World.

These instructions for the family were given to Moses to be passed on.  It is considered by devout Jews as the most critical and significant portion of the book of Deuteronomy. Jewish children are taught this as a prayer. Devout Jews recite it three times a day. Each Friday evening, as the Sabbath begins, in Jewish homes around the world, the father, and sometimes the mother, lay hands on the children’s heads and pray for them.

Deuteronomy 6: 4 – 9  NIV “Hear O Israel: The Lord our God is one” ‘You shall have no other gods before me’ states the First Commandment. The land into which the Jews were going was a land with a multitude of gods. Sadly this is the same as the society our children find themselves in today. We have the answers to help them make right decisions as parents and we must not bring shame to the name of the in raising a godly children. To be continue tomorrow morning by God’s Grace. Good morning and do have a great day, peace

Prayer point: Thank you Jesus for bringing this light to me and as I ponder on it, help me in raising champions for you in Jesus Christ name. Amen!

              T.S. AFOLAYAN

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