“We are all infected and impure with sin. When we display our righteous deeds, they are nothing but filthy rags. Like autumn leaves, we wither and fall, and our sins sweep us away like the wind.“(Isaiah 64:6) All the good in your life comes from Christ and all the bad comes from you. Your righteous deeds are filthy rags. You deserve nothing, but Christ allows you to breathe.

If you must boast, then boast on what Christ did for you on the cross. Humble yourself and let someone else praise you. Do all things for the Glory of God not to show off. If someone does praise you, then remain humble.

Don’t forget that yesterday, we started looking at the steps to follow to be free from the sin of Self-Praise/ Exaltation. We shall continue from where we stopped yesterday:

2. Decide and Act Against the Sin of Self-Praise/Exaltation: There lies within you a God-given power to choose. It is a power Satan himself, and all his demons, cannot make a man or woman sin when the will has decided not to. The movement of the will away from sin and toward God is called true repentance. It basically means a deliberate change of mind and direction, turning away from sin and turning unto God. The moment you decide against sin and begin to act in a new moral course, your mind actually begins to take on a new shape.

3. Desire and Receive Power Over the Sin of Self-Praisd/Exaltation: No matter how honestly you confess your sin, and no matter how firmly you decide against your sin, your willpower does not posses the quality and kind of power you need to overcome. Quite simply, the power you need is the power of the Holy Spirit. This is the power that moves us to cease living for ourselves and to begin living for Him. The power alone, is sufficient to break the strength of sin. (Acts 1:8)

God’s power is the vital energizing factor in the victorious Christian life. No other power will do, because no other power can do. (Ephesians 3:19-21). In conclusion, your fundamental motivation should be to please God, not to seek the praises of men. The person who seeks the glory of men will receive his immediate reward. But the person who seeks to do his best, who seeks to serve God will be lifted up by God. Good morning and happy Sunday, peace.

Prayer points: Lord Jesus, baptize me with your power and Holy ghost so as please and align completely to your will in Jesus Christ name. Amen!

              T.S. AFOLAYAN

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