Scripture Reading: Proverbs 21:5

Today’s Scripture says; “The plans of the diligent lead to profit as surely as haste leads to poverty.” An adage says, HE WHO FAILS IN PLANNING, WILL DEFINITELY PLAN TO FAIL. Consistent planning results to a good output. Still on ways of handling money wisely:

3) Avoid over-extended credit buying: We must not accept the “Buy now—pay later” philosophy of the world. When credit is too easily obtained, it is easy to incur so many debts that payments cannot be made. As a godly homes, we must learn ways of discipline ourselves.

The fact that we have related access to credit buying process doesn’t mean we should spend the whole of our lives on credit. Hear what 1 Corinthians 6:12 says; “I have the right to do anything,” you say —but not everything is beneficial. “I have the right to do anything” —but I will not be mastered by anything.” NOT EVERYTHING IS ALLOWED AND HELPFUL. Be guided.

4) We must not accept the “Buy now—pay later” philosophy of the world: When credit is too easily obtained, it is easy to incur so many debts that payments cannot be made. Self discipline/denier is required here. There are somethings will must cut off in our marriages if we want to fulfill God’s purpose and live a useful life. LEARN TO BE CONTENTED NO MATTER HOW HARD IT IS. That’s only when you’re in control of your marriage.

5) Distinguish between needs and “wants”: God has promised to meet all our needs, but He has not promised to meet all our “wants.” This exactly where the problem is. We must distinguish between the two. We should buy things for their usefulness, not for their “status,” or just because we want them.

IT AN ERROR TO BUY WHAT IS NOT PRESENTLY NEEDED AT HOME. Or just because you have some little change, you think, you can then buy everything, capital ‘NO’. Let me take you back to ECONOMICS. There’s what we called SCALE OF PREFERENCE. You go for the most pressing needs at home and that’s where the joy of marriage is. To be continue tomorrow morning. Good morning and do have a great Friday, peace.

Prayer points: Lord Jesus, grant me wisdom to abide by this principle in all aspects of my life in Jesus name. Amen!

             T.S. AFOLAYAN

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