Scripture Reading: Like 19:13; “So he called ten of his servants and gave them ten minas. Put this money to work,’ he said, ’until I come back.” As we conclude this series today, God want us to get busy for Him till He return. His desire is to see us in every area be it, spiritually, maritally, physically, socially, financially, economically, morally etc. To impact the world through His word and prepare souls ready for His coming.

Yesterday, we concluded by saying, to change the direction of a society without a Godly change from within will only lead to a rebellion within the very society you are trying to influence.

This is the truth, You can not have permanent change by trying to force laws down peoples throats without also teaching Godly principles along with them. And as well in so doing, changing the top areas within that society, and creating a society where a Christian revival will not only happen, but will grow and leave long lasting sustained influence and change within that nation.

This kind of sustained change will endure into the future, and I believe will be the catalyst that ushers in the Second Coming of the Lord Jesus Christ! Instead of setting on our spiritual backsides and waiting for the Lord to return, lets hasten His return. Lets fill our lamps with oil and go take the land.

Many feel that they are not really contributing if they are not a preacher or minister. If God has called you to be a businessperson, politician, banker, teacher etc. then know that there is no more important thing you can be doing. We all have our God given place and it will take all of us working together in every phase of society to bring about the kind of permanent change that can transform a nation.

We need Christians occupying within every area of society. I want to personally challenge you to find your God given place, and let’s do this together. Good morning and do have a great day, peace.

Prayer point: Holy Spirit, empower me for this great commission to prepare and impact souls for your coming in Jesus Christ name. Amen!

             T.S. AFOLAYAN

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