A real man never makes his woman fight for her place in his life .. he gives her more than she deserves .. he never lets her down .. he respects her love and her feelings .. he helps her in everything she does .. he loves her soulfully and truly .. he is compatible to her in every way and he never questions her. For him, his woman is always right and so very lovable.

A good Man won’t settle for the easy path. He works hard he knows you are a master piece. He will respect you, your body, and your demands. He doesn’t just use his feelings; he thinks with his brain.If a man really loves you, he will do what is right. Even if things don’t seem to agree his way, he will use his brains and be ready to face whatever comes his way.

You know someone loves you when they’d go through hell and back just to make your life a little bit easier. People who care show it. They prove it with their actions, they dedicate their energy and their care to you in everything they do. If someone loves you, you never have any doubts – they prove it to you every single day.

Finally ladies Just because some fool came into your life and lied and cheated on you doesn’t mean the next person will too. Do Not make everyone pay for what happened in your past. I know it’s hard right now,to know who is real but if you ever want to find love again, you’ve got to open your heart and let someone in,be ready to build a relationship, be ready to add value, be ready to sacrifice,be ready to support and never take that man love for granted, or else another lady will take it from you,because is hard to see a good Man.

But let pray incase your problem need spiritual deliverance,in the mighty name of Jesus
Wherever the wicked ones are gathering now against your marriage I command the fire of God accompanied with thunder to visit them and strike them dead in the mighty name of Jesus Amen. Very soon your own wedding photo shoot shall be posted here in this page. If you believe type AMEN with Faith.

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