Scripture Reading: Genesis 2:7, 22-23.

“then the Lord God formed [that is, created the body of] man from the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and the man became a living being [an individual complete in body and spirit].”(AMP)

Glory be to God who has released help and Grace at the cause of this marriage series. Today is the concluding part of the series teaching. And I will like to show you more light about the founder of marriage and His plan towards the establishment of the union.

A company that produces a car, android phone, computer etc. Have full knowledge of what they have produce. They have every spear part of their produce in their care including the manual for effective usage. Reason been that later in the future, they may go back to the drawing board if there are issues on what they have produce. In the same way, God is the creator of heaven and earth and His the founder of marriage. He has every capacity and ability to the life span of what He has created.

Every spear part of human are in His care and since His the author of marriage, all marital crisis solution lies in His hand. Since His the founder, He has all solution to your unfruitful marriage. This is God original plan; “And God blessed them [granting them certain authority] and said to them, β€œBe fruitful, multiply, and fill the earth, and subjugate it [putting it under your power]; and rule over (dominate) the fish of the sea, the birds of the air, and every living thing that moves upon the earth.”(Genesis 1:28).

If your marriage is not working, you always have issues with your husband/wife. Who should you report to? Go to the author (founder, God). That’s the first step you should take as a Christian. Whatever that happens in your marriage, either minor or major problem, take it to God, He has the solution. Most marriages collapse today out of ignorance, despite the fact that they are christian, they took every case to court, family and friends to settle it and leaving God the FOUNDER behind.

Seek God’s face concerning your marriage and don’t be wise in your eyes. Don’t allow the devil to take advantage of your foolishness and rub you of your joy and blessings in marriage. God is the only FOUNDER of marry, take all your problems to Him and He will command peace into your home in Jesus Christ name. Good morning and do have a great day, peace.

Prayer point: Dear Father, come into my marriage today and fix every broken things, bring back our joy and happiness, restore us in Jesus Christ name. Amen!

              T.S. AFOLAYAN

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