Scripture Reading: Isaiah 14:13-14

“But you said in your heart, ‘I will ascend to heaven; I will raise my throne above the stars of God; I will sit on the mount of assembly In the remote parts of the north. ‘I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will make myself like the Most High.”(AMP)

Today’s Scripture explained that pride is what got Lucifer demoted. If God couldn’t spare Lucifer of his prideful act and demoted him to zero level, God will not spare anyone of such act. Especially if you are a minister: Pastor, Prophet, Evangelist, Apostle or teacher, don’t ever you see yourself better than any other person or trying to praise yourself. That’s the bedrock of PRIDE “I”

Pride is overcome in our lives by acknowledging who Jesus is and who we are not. And until you have come to this knowledge, you are bound to be prideful. No matter what God is doing in your life or ministry, don’t let it push you to PRIDE especially when people are praising and celebrating the good deeds of God’s faithfulness in your life, be careful and always return all glory to God. Remember it’s Grace, nothing but Grace.

Pride brings destruction and a great fall. 1 Peter 5:5 tells us that God opposes the proud. God hates pride! The Greek word for opposed is antitassó which means to rage in battle against.  The prideful are at war with God. If you’re at war with God, there’s no way you’re going to win. God opposes the proud but He gives grace to the humble. 

The greatest leadership trait is HUMILITY. God lifts up the humble in due time because they humble themselves under His mighty hand. Stop exalting yourself! If you exalt yourself you have a great fall awaiting. Wait for God to lift you up in the right time. When God exalts you, He sustains you with His mighty hand. When you exalt yourself, you’re on your own. Pride makes you think you don’t need God because you’ve now become your own god. Many of us are blinded to the fact that we are prideful. To be continue tomorrow morning by God’s Grace. Good morning and do have a fruitful Friday, peace.

Prayer point: Father, expose my prideful act today and safe me completely from the destruction that lies ahead in Jesus Christ name. Amen!

             T.S. AFOLAYAN

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