Scripture Reading: Leviticus 10: 3

“Then Moses said to Aaron, “This is what the Lord said: ‘I will be treated as holy by those who approach Me, And before all the people I will be honored.’ “So Aaron, therefore, said nothing.”(AMP)

God gave Moses some principles that pertains offering of incense in the holy place. And these principles must be observed in regular basis by the priests because God is holy and no unclean things will appear before Him.

These priests clearly violated some prescription that God had set forth for the offering of incense in the holy place, so God has to rebuke their action decisively. God laid down fundamental laws of consecration for the priests. He warned them that if they were not consecrated or if they violate their consecration, He would “break out” against them.

Nadab and Abihu violated the holy law of the priesthood. Violating God’s word in any way and at any level as a minister is a strange fire unto the Lord, and He frowns at such big time. If God could go to that length of consuming Nadab and Abihu the two sons of Aaron the priest with fire and they both died in the presence of God, it means God frowns at such unholy act and whoever will appear before Him must be consecrated.

I pray for you that your service unto God will not be recognized as a strange fire to God. May you not deviate from the principles of God in the name of Jesus.

When this happened, Moses reminded Aaron, “This is what the LORD has said: ‘Among those who are near me I will be sanctified, and before all the people I will be glorified. When he heard this, Aaron held his peace. Even amidst his grief, because he knew that as a high priest, his sons had committed a grave offense against the holy God. If really you desire to be near God, then God requires a life of sanctity from you.

He wants to be glorified in you. He wants your life to reflect His light. When you live and order your life according to God’s principles, your life will produce holy fire. Decide to be and remain a consecrated vessel unto the Lord. To be continue tomorrow morning by God’s Grace. Good morning and do have a great Friday, peace.

Prayer point: Dear Father, I desire holiness and sanctification, make me holy by your word in Jesus Christ name. Amen!

              T.S. AFOLAYAN

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