HOW TO IMPROVE COMMUNICATION IN A RELATIONSHIP If you want to improve communication in your relationships, consider the following: -Always talk about important or sensitive issues face-to-face -Be open and honest -Find the right time for important conversations -Don’t be abusive or verbally aggressive, even if it’s an emotive issue -Use positive body language If something is bothering you, take the time have a conversation about it – bottling up your feelings or brushing an issue under the carpet can end up causing more harm than good. Keep in mind that not everyone is good at expressing how they feel, so approach conversations in calm and relaxed way, in a quiet environment where both parties are comfortable. If you both have busy lifestyles, setting time aside to talk can really help! This also means that you’ll have time to process your thoughts and even write down the points you want to cover. DON’TCOMMUNICATE VIATEXT Although some people find it incredibly difficult to say what they want to say face-to-face, you should never approach a serious subject or start an argument via text message. Text messages can be interpreted in lots of different ways and as such, they’re often misunderstood, making a potentially volatile situation ten times worse. CHOOSE YOUR LANGUAGE CAREFULLY Alot of the time, our choice of words can be perceived as being defensive, especially if words such as β€œyou” are constantly used during a conversation. So instead, make a conscious effort to use words such as β€œI” or β€œwe”. After all, the last thing you want is for your partner, family member or friend to feel under attacked. EXAMPLES OF BAD COMMUNICATION IN RELATIONSHIPS If you’re trying to improve the communication in your relationships, it can help to understand examples of good and bad communication. Here are some examples of poor communication: -Belittling each other -Openly giving the cold shoulder -Becoming defensive in heated discussions -Assuming you know what the other person is thinking -Arguments that are never resolved and brushed under the carpet -Inability to compromise -Few attempts to connect.

Anticipate Episode 5.

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