Scripture Reading: Proverbs 5:15

“Drink water from your own cistern [of a pure marriage relationship] And fresh running water from your own well.”(AMP)

There’s a reason to always say thank you Lord for the daily gift of life and other benefits we received by Grace and mercy, thank you Jesus for having you as a father. By the Grace of God, this series we take us some time as the Holy Spirit will be unfolding some mystery about sex and I pray that the Lord open our eyes and give you the right heart and clear understanding in Jesus Christ name. Amen!

We are in such a generation that sex has graduated out of God’s own original plan now to child play and demonic means of destroying glorious destiny. Sex is everywhere now. It’s in our own generation we see children having sex and even the parents see nothing wrong in it. You see it on social media everyday how sex is being abused and the worse part of it is polluting the altar of God. So many ministers of God has release themselves for the devil trick them into fornication and adultery right there inside the church. God will deliver this generation in Jesus Christ name. Amen!

In God’s institution of marriage, sex is wonderful, beautiful and perfect. Outside of it, you are inviting problems that you might not correct in an entire lifetime. Am sure many of you might have read the scripture above from the book of Proverbs but not many realize that it is talking about sex. King Solomon instructs us to continually drinking water out of our own cistern or well. Comparing sex to ‘drinking water and well’, does it really make sense to you?

The Lord is speaking figuratively and calls sex β€œwater”. This is very foundational and instructional to all of us. There are very few ways that sin manifests its dominion over humanity that can be compared to sexual craving. It is the idolatry of the modern world that has replaced worshipping of stones and sticks in the ancient world. However, God is the Author of sex. The verse above gives us one of His purposes for sex by calling sex water. Water satisfies the thirst or inner need or longing of a person’s soul. 

That is how  God originally created sex to meet a deep and inner longing of a person’s body and soul. However, He tells us above β€œdrink water from your own cistern”, meaning you should have sexual relations only with your wife or husband only.

Sex outside of marriage is drinking water from another person’s well, whether before marriage or after marriage. Either the water is clean or not, either is stinking or not, either is forbidden or not you don’t care and all you want is to satisfy yourself of five minutes enjoyment and bring in disaster into your life.

Satan is destroying lives, homes, and entire communities with uncontrollable sexual passions and desires. To be continue tomorrow morning by God’s Grace. Good morning and do have a great day, peace.

Prayer point: Thank you Holy Spirit for this revelation, and I ask for forgiveness for yielding to lust of the flesh. Forgive me dear Lord in Jesus Christ name. Amen!

              T.S. AFOLAYAN

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