Scripture Reading: Proverbs 5:8-10

“Let your way [in life] be far from her, And do not go near the door of her house [avoid even being near the places of temptation], Or you will give your honor to others, And your years to the cruel one, And strangers will be filled with your strength And your hard-earned wealth will go to the house of a foreigner [who does not know God];”(AMP)

I started sharing with you yesterday on the consequences of drinking water from another well. I will continue from where I stopped yesterday;

2) Guilt and shame: The feeling of guilt and shame is one of the consequences of Adultery; this is why it is condemned by God. Sexual sin against one’s partner could eat you up emotionally, making you restless and anxious; this is not healthy for you, so you must desist from committing such sin.

According to Proverbs, the adulterer is “like a bird that strays from the nest” and will experience emotional trauma and disorientation. Adultery also leads to shame and loss of respect and honor. Read today’s scripture again ( proverbs 5:9-11), there is a considerable stigma associated with sexual sin, and the guilt can be unbearable and could lead to depression.

3) Loss of spiritual blessings and favor: When you indulge in sexual sin, you risk the loss of spiritual gifts and favor. Proverbs 28:13 declared; “He who conceals his transgressions will not prosper, But whoever confesses and turns away from his sins will find compassion and mercy.”(AMP)

Sexual sin is condemned by God (exodus 20:14), so you are bonded by sin when you go against his principles and teachings.

Sin only attracts God’s punishment and access to bad luck and disappointments. Still, when you follow God’s commandments by respecting your body and partner, you attract his blessings and favor. John 15:7 affirmed; “If you remain in Me and My words remain in you [that is, if we are vitally united and My message lives in your heart], ask whatever you wish and it will be done for you.”(AMP) That’s only when you obey His instructions and love the wife and husband of your youth, then you will be fruitful and be blessed.

To be continue tomorrow morning by God’s Grace. Good morning and do have a great day, peace.

Prayer point: Father, as from today, I say NO to my old way of life, my life and marriage begin to draw God’s Grace blessing now in Jesus Christ name. Amen!

              T.S. AFOLAYAN

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