Scripture Reading: Proverbs 5:13-14

“I have not listened to the voice of my teachers, Nor have I inclined my ear to those who instructed me. “I was almost in total ruin In the midst of the assembly and congregation.”(AMP)

8) Financial Implications: There can be financial repercussions from adultery. In a divorce, for instance, the adulterer can be required to pay alimony or child support through out his dear life and it can be on high side of him. That’s if from the man’s side. But to the woman, in some cases, she bear the financial implications all alone.

You’ll discover that agreeing on a financial settlement with your ex-spouse is essential to moving past a divorce. Finding the ideal answer is crucial since it could have a long-term financial and emotional impact on you. Marital misconduct might be used as evidence against your spouse if your financial stability has suffered due to their adultery.

In this situation, your spouse can be required to pay additional alimony due to their adultery. Failure to listen to some instructions can result into marital crisis. Read today’s Scripture again.

9) Damage to one’s testimony and witness for Christ: God frequently compares His connection with His people in the Bible to a marriage covenant. There is a love and faithfulness expectation.

The law likewise safeguarded marriage as a representation of the faith. Paul advised husbands to treat their spouses with the same level of devotion as Christ showed the church. Because it depicts our relationship with God, marriage is related to Christ.

Jesus confirmed the Old Testament idea of a man leaving his family to become one flesh with his bride in Matthew 19:5–6. This verse proves that Christ did not come to abolish the law but to fulfill it. It also illustrates how crucial fidelity is in a marriage. Jesus said, “Therefore, let not man separate that which God has joined together.” To be continue tomorrow morning by God’s Grace. Good morning and happy Sunday, peace.

Prayer point: Father, restore my marriage in your mercy. Quench the fire of separation in our home in Jesus Christ name. Amen!

              T.S. AFOLAYAN

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