Scripture Reading: 1 Peter 5:5

“Likewise, you younger men [of lesser rank and experience], be subject to your elders [seek their counsel]; and all of you, clothe yourselves with humility toward one another [tie on the servant’s apron], for God is opposed to the proud [the disdainful, the presumptuous, and He defeats them], but He gives grace to the humble.”(AMP)

6) God honour those who humble themselves: Someone who’s proud has no place in the Lord. Such person has already been rejected and left to his own doom. Verse 6 of today’s Scripture says; “Therefore humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God [set aside self-righteous pride], so that He may exalt you [to a place of honor in His service] at the appropriate time.”(AMP). James 4:10 also affirmed; “Humble yourselves [with an attitude of repentance and insignificance] in the presence of the Lord, and He will exalt you [He will lift you up, He will give you purpose].” The Lord is interested in the life of those who are possess the spirit of humility.

God honours us when we humble ourselves . He will lift us up and promote us to higher levels when we remain humble at all times. “For all those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted.”(Luke 14:11 NIV)

7) God honour us before our enemies: The Lord take it as His responsibility to watch over us, decorate us, fight our battle and honor us even in the presence of our enemies. “You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies. You have anointed and refreshed my head with oil; My cup overflows.”(Psalm 23:5 AMP).

God honours us in front of our enemies . When our enemies are eagerly watching to see us humiliated , the Lord honours us before them. “O Lord, how my enemies have increased!Many are rising up against me. Many are saying of me, “There is no help [no salvation] for him in God.” Selah. But You, O Lord, are a shield for me, My glory [and my honor], and the One who lifts my head.”(Psalm 3:1-3 AMP). For many are the afflictions of the righteous but the Lord delivered him from them all. For the will not permit the rod of the wicked to rest on the portion of the righteous. To be continue tomorrow morning by God’s Grace. Good morning and happy Sunday, peace.

Prayer point: When a man is honor, dishonor disappear, every symptom of dishonor in my life, come to an end today and forever in Jesus Christ name. Amen!

             T.S. AFOLAYAN

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