Scripture Reading: 1 Samuel l:15-17

“But Hannah answered, “No, my lord, I am a woman with a despairing spirit. I have not been drinking wine or any intoxicating drink, but I have poured out my soul before the Lord. Do not regard your maidservant as a wicked and worthless woman, for I have spoken until now out of my great concern and [bitter] provocation.” Then Eli answered and said, “Go in peace; and may the God of Israel grant your petition that you have asked of Him.”(AMP)

The respond of Hannah to Eli really gave birth to something great.

In reality the one with excessive behavioral patterns at that time was Eli, and his judgment was hanging over him. Her focus was not on his behavior, but on her own. Hannah was a woman who truly feared the Lord. She believes that the judgment of a leader or God’s servant is not in the hands of the followers. If anything was wrong with the leader, God would deal with it Himself and not in the position of any man. Truly, we need this kind of true submission and humility today.

Whenever God’s servant identify true submission and humility in the life of anyone, special anointing will definitely take place at the cause of words and authority. No wonder Eli’s response to Hannah changed.

“Then Eli answered and said, “Go in peace; and may the God of Israel grant your petition that you have asked of Him.” Hannah said, “Let your maidservant find grace and favor in your sight.” So the woman went on her way and ate, and her face was no longer sad.”(17-18 AMP)
There was no drifting from her submission to him; she honored him as a man of God and even thanked him for his word of blessing. Watch what happened:

“The family got up early the next morning, worshiped before the Lord, and returned to their home in Ramah. Elkanah knew Hannah his wife, and the Lord remembered her [prayer]. It came about in due time, after Hannah had conceived, that she gave birth to a son; she named him Samuel, saying, “Because I have asked for him from the Lord.”(19-20 AMP)

To be continue tomorrow morning by God’s Grace. Good morning and do have a fruitful weekend, peace.

Prayer point: Holy Spirit, take away every forms of pride and arrogant spirit in me. Help me to be broken in Jesus Christ name. Amen!

              T.S. AFOLAYAN

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