Scripture Reading: Matthew 6:26-27

“Look at the birds of the air; they neither sow [seed] nor reap [the harvest] nor gather [the crops] into barns, and yet your heavenly Father keeps feeding them. Are you not worth much more than they? And who of you by worrying can add one hour to [the length of] his life?”(AMP)

In Jesus Christ name, I welcome you to the first weekend in the year 2024. Your life shall be full of God’s glory in Jesus Christ name. Amen!

By God’s Grace, the Holy Spirit will be opening our eyes to another series and I pray that the eyes of our understanding be enlightened in Jesus Christ name. It’s the Lord’s demand to live our lives as His children to live to trust Him in all circumstances. It quiet unfortunate that many of us put our trust in our bosom friends, family, relatives, husband or wife, children etc. And while we were doing that, we often receive disappointment even at the most needed time from them because we have deliberately allowed them to represent God in our lives.

The Lord want you to trust Him no matter what you are going through, He knows everything and He will not forsake you. Our today’s Scripture remind us about our anxiety to be this and to be that and because of that, we shifted our attention from God and then to man. Trusting God could then mean an essential element of true and saving faith that looks to God and find peace, strength, contentment and much more in Him and all that He has done, His doing and will still do both now and forever in His son Jesus Christ.(Psalm 118:8)

Sometimes, It is hard to trust God when danger threatens or everything seems to be collapsing around us. But do you really know that Just as Fear can banish faith, the same way faith can banish fear. Faith isn’t pretending our problems don’t exist, nor is it simply blind optimism. Faith points us beyond our problems to the hope we have in Christ. True faith involves trust, trust in what Christ has done for us, and trust in God’s goodness and mercy.

Certainly for the Christian, the opposite of fear is trusting in God and His unchanging love. Once we realize God is in control and He holds us in His loving hands, we can meet life’s dangers and uncertainties with confidence. After all, if we can trust God for our eternal salvation, can’t we also trust Him for our lives right now? To be continue tomorrow morning by God’s Grace. Good morning and do have a fruitful weekend, peace.

Prayer point: Lord Jesus, help me to keep on living in accordance to your will for my life. I will not be a disappointment to the kingdom in Jesus Christ name. Amen!

              T.S. AFOLAYAN

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