It’s quite unfortunate that the identity of Jesus is what the church is arguing about today, what a shame.

Sometimes I wonder why the confusion on the identity of whom Jesus is, until I looked into the scripture and I discovered that it is called the Spirit of error that crept into the church (1John 4:2-3).

Someone asked me a question “why won’t you just stop talking about whom Jesus is and teach other things”? I said I can’t stop because I was once in error and one thing with error is this; if God delivers you from it, you will pray that God should deliver other people. I cannot believe my eyes, how I shifted from Jesus the son of God to Jesus God almighty that became a man and rose from the grave and lives inside us.

The question that people should be asking is this “when Jesus was praying, who was He praying to”?
When Jesus rose from the grave, He said “I go to my father your father” (John 20:17).

If Jesus has no father, who was He calling on the cross to save Him? (Hebrews 5:7). Who anointed Jesus? (Acts 10:38). And who rose Jesus from the dead? (Romans 8:11).

All these questions kept troubling my mind. I tried to back it up. One thing with error is when you are in error, you keep using the Bible to keep backing up those errors especially when everybody is hailing you that you have revelation😂😂.

One thing with the law of Bible interpretation is that you don’t try to use your mind to interpret the scripture, you allow scriptures to interpret itself (say what the scripture says. Don’t try to give it your meaning and say what the Bible is not saying). I raised children in error that when I tried to correct them, it became battle but I was not moved. The spirit of God has a way of putting them right by Himself especially when you as a pastor; your heart is right with God and you pray genuinely for them to come to knowledge.

I was battling with these until the spirit of God made me to understand that believing that God became a man, died and rose and live in a man is not Christianity. The Bible never said that. It’s only a man’s thought and the religion is called “Sabellianism” until I discovered that the teachings of this religion is that they believe in one God order. You can Google it yourself.

Points to note:

  • if you don’t believe that Jesus is the son of God who is a man that died to redeem man and God raised Him from the dead, you are not a Christian(Romans 10:9)

. No wonder you are always angry with Christians. Christianity is a call to love. One characteristic of love is that we humble ourselves to learn daily.

The truth is that the resurrection of Jesus gives us faith for our resurrection. Jesus is a man that God raised from the dead and I believe that He will raise me up on resurrection morning. This is my faith. Hallelujah

I pray you join us to learn in this 21 Days Of Learning Christ.

Pastor Maureen Urulor is my name. I rest my case

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