Scripture Reading: Galatians 6:7-8

“Do not be deceived, God is not mocked [He will not allow Himself to be ridiculed, nor treated with contempt nor allow His precepts to be scornfully set aside]; for whatever a man sows, this and this only is what he will reap. For the one who sows to his flesh [his sinful capacity, his worldliness, his disgraceful impulses] will reap from the flesh ruin and destruction, but the one who sows to the Spirit will from the Spirit reap eternal life.”(AMP)

Continuation from where we stopped yesterday. I concluded yesterday that there is still the law of sowing and reaping. An adult who steals from their employer, shows up late for work, leaves early, spend most of their free time drinking and doing drugs, running around, bar hopping etc, why is that person surprised when the school calls and says your child is not behaving properly, they’re becoming a discipline problem and their failing all their classes.

Today’s Scripture talking about sowing and reaping. If you plant a seed for a carrot in the ground, a carrot will come up; if you plant a seed for vegetable, you’re going to grow a vegetable; if you plant a seed for corn, corn is what you are going to harvest and not beans. What you put in, is what you will get out.  What you put in the ground, is what you will harvest.  You will reap what you have sown.

2)  Replace the negative thinking: “But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind”(Philippians 3:13). Overcoming your past does not happen by accident. Time by itself does not heal everything. You are going to have to take active steps to replace the view you currently have. You are going to have to focus on this problem; concentrate your efforts.

The Greek word used for “forgetting” means to be ignorant of, to be hidden, to neglect. In order to overcome your past; in order to forget your past, you have to focus your efforts to neglect your past. Remember, for the believer, it is not our past that determines us but our future. Focus on your future.

And they’re only a few basic ways in which our past, to a certain extent can be removed from our minds. 

One way if senility – they say the mind is the first thing to go…

Another way is by brain malfunction or damage. but there is another way in which our memories can be affected and that is….

By the introduction of new learning.

Educational psychologist will tell you that the biggest cause of students not remembering what they were taught in chapter 1, is that the next week they were taught chapter 2.  The introduction of chapter 2 will cause you to neglect chapter 1 and in turn will produce forgetting the material from chapter 1.

Romans 12: 2 says; “Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind…” God will transform us by renewing our minds. As we continue in the word of God and allow the leading of the Holy Spirit to touch us, new material and learning will be introduced into our mind.  The more of the word of God we put into our mind and our spirit, the less room there is for the old things and the old ways. To be continue tomorrow morning by God’s Grace. Good morning and do have a great day, peace.

Prayer point: Father, help me to sow a good seed and guide my mind on daily basis so as know the will of God for my life in Jesus Christ name. Amen!

             T.S. AFOLAYAN

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