Scripture Reading: Matthew 19:3-4

“And Pharisees came to Jesus, testing Him and asking, “Is it lawful for a man to divorce his wife for just any reason?” He replied, “Have you never read that He who created them from the beginning made them male and female,”(AMP)

With the help of the Holy Spirit, I will be concentrating more on today’s scripture. Also, by the above scripture, I will also be showing you some likely reason while most believers choose divorce to be the best option for peace and joy to reign in their personal lives.

The pharisees came to test Jesus and to know His opinion and stand for divorce in holy matrimony. The question they asked is that; is it right, come what may for a man to divorce his wife for any reasons? Now, looking at the covenant they both shared at the altar before host of heaven and earth. “Do you love him/her, will you stay with him/her in pain, sickness, joy, happiness, sorrow, persecution, rich, poorer!” The both with joy, will answer, I WILL, MAY GOD HELP ME. And the pastor and the whole congregation will help them to nailed it with ‘AMEN.’

But it quiet unfortunate that majority of those words at the altar then, were not from a genuine and sincere heart. That’s why immediately they left the church service, at reception ground, they start creating scene and forgetting their oath of love. So many marriages end at the reception dancing ground while some couldn’t even enjoy the honeymoon. The question the pharisees asked Jesus can also be related to, can a man, after his promises and oath and love at the beginning now decided to divorce his wedded wife because of a mistake?

I want us to really dwell more on the answer Jesus gave them; ….“Have you never read that He who created them from the beginning made them male and female,”(:4 AMP). Here this: how many christian books on marriage have you read, how many tapes have you listen to, how many marriages seminar have you attended, how many singles/couples summit have attended with your spouse? Jesus knew exactly what He was asking the pharisees. Were you not a leader and teachers that understood the law, so how come you have not read about God’s revealed will about marriage and divorce? To be continue tomorrow morning by God’s Grace. Good morning and do have a fruitful weekend, peace.

Prayer point: Father, help me to understand your law, to keep and to live by your word daily till the end of time in Jesus Christ name. Amen!

              T.S. AFOLAYAN

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