*TOPIC: MARRIAGE, GOD’S REVEALED WILL.*(Series 8) *Scripture Reading:* Matthew 19:4 *”He replied, “Have you never read that He who created them from the beginning made them male and female,”*(AMP) *”Some Pharisees came to him and tried to trap him by asking, Does our Law allow a man to divorce his wife for whatever reason he wishes? Jesus answered, Haven’t you read the scripture that says that in the beginning the Creator made people male and female?”*(19:3-4, GOOD NEWS VERSION) Welcoming you to another glorious Sunday, I pray that light will shine on your path today and forever in Jesus Christ name. Amen! Yesterday, I concentrated more on the word of our Lord Jesus Christ as a question to the pharisees that *’haven’t you read’.* Jesus expected them to must have gotten knowledge about the scriptures and most especially concerning marriage. *But He was disappointed when they asked Him that is it lawful for a man to divorce his wedded wife for any reason?* His respond started with “haven’t you read” what God says about them right from the beginning, haven’t you read or familiar with the scriptures? At that point, the pharisees couldn’t say a word again because they that Jesus was saying the truth. They knew the truth from the scripture because they teachers of the law, they knew what the law says. *For anyone to be successful in marriage, he or she must have constantly read, digest and be more familiar with the word of God, the manual for both marriage and everything.* Remember Joshua 1:8 was a strong instructions God gave to Joshua; *”This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall read [and meditate on] it day and night, so that you may be careful to do [everything] in accordance with all that is written in it; for then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will be successful.”*(AMP) My marriage is thirteen years this year by God’s Grace and the only thing that keeps it is the Holy Spirit and my exposure to scriptures, books, seminars and summit. I use my entire youth lifestyle to invest in my marriage. I can’t count the numbers of books on marriage I bought and audio tape. As am reading, am passing it to my fiance and today, it was a testimony. Glory to God. *Invest in your relationship/marriage if you want to fulfill God’s word and be a blessing to many generations(2Timothy 2:15). Study the scriptures, read books on marriage, by that and with the help of the Holy Spirit, divorce will not be the best option for you.* To be continue tomorrow morning by God’s Grace. Good morning and happy Sunday, peace. *Prayer point:* Holy Spirit, help me to be a lover of your word and to live my entire life by it as it help me to fulfill purpose in Jesus Christ name. Amen! T.S. AFOLAYAN