A man will win and keep the heart of a woman if he follows one simple set of principles. It is called the PEACH method of dating and the results will be as sweet as the fruit it is named after. Keep in mind that this will not help a man find a woman or even the right one for him. It will, however, give him the tools he needs to gain a woman’s interest and keep it. Once a man has met his lady and been on at least one date with her, he should follow these steps to incite the flames of love in her heart.

P is for Parents, Playful and Poetry

  • Parents: Women cannot resist a man who is visibly kind to his and her parents. He should show interest in their needs and seek time with them, especially outings that include himself and his lady friend as a couple. He should introduce his lady friend to his parents and ask to meet hers if he wants to woo her over completely. When he does, he should shake hands or better yet—give them a hug. Remember: Hugs for parents = Hugs and Kisses from girlfriends.
  • Playful: Men have a natural talent for humor, and it is a great attraction for women. Make her laugh, and she will fall head over heels very quickly. Be careful not to make it humor at someone’s expense (especially hers or someone she cares about) or this can backfire completely. A man’s goal should be to see her laugh and make her happy. Another thing to remember with this one is less is more. Whether a man uses understated humor, witty, sarcastic, slapstick or traditional jokes, it’s important not to overdue it or it will appear that he is immature, an attention-seeker and/or create an imbalance in their time together. Play is fun, but there should be time for quiet and serious, too.
  • Poetry: A man who writes poetry will woo any woman within reading distance. Write a poem just for her and she’s yours forever. It doesn’t have to be long or even good poetry. Quite the opposite, in fact. It’s the literary attempt that will win her over completely. Bad poetry sometimes wins more marks as it will incite her to sympathy and admiration for the effort. Poetry is simply romantic, and whether good or bad, women love it.

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