Life/Politics/World In the life of every nation, there is a turning point. For Nigeria, that time is now; a time to save Nigeria, save our democracy and give the Nigerian youths hope. The OBIdient Movement has been the arrowhead in the take back Nigeria mission. Jajiothetacher on March 28, 2023 10 views 1 0 0 Premium Content Login to buy access to this content. Like this:Like Loading... Related Tagged:#Ofwhatishappening #Tothem #WakeupAfrica #Peterobi #Anambra #Nigeria #Pdp #Apc #Lp #Peterobi #Tinubu #Atiku #Kwankwaso #Renoomokiri #wordsofwisdom #jajiotheteacher #Blackknowledge #Africa #Uk #France #Ghana #Togo #Ruwanda #Malassia #Abujanigeria #Lagosnigeria